Especially for the New Mums Who Miss That...

"Simple Joy of Fitting into Your
Pre-Pregnancy Clothes and Feeling Confident in Your Body!"

Let us help you renew your sense of womanhood as you embark on this new and exciting journey of motherhood.

We are a Community of Mothers

Dedicated to Helping Mothers Become Role Models of Health and Fitness for Our Children

(Click on the video below to watch this short welcome message from Shann, the Chief Trainer here at Fit Mums Circle)

We're Here for You
As Trainers, As Friends, As Mothers

Empower Your Post-Pregnancy Journey

"I'm thrilled by the new friendships I've formed with other health-conscious mothers."

Rediscover your strength and vitality with our specially tailored Online Programs.

Designed for the unique needs of new mums, these programs offer a seamless blend of convenience and effectiveness.

With us, you’ll witness a transformation that goes beyond physical shape; it’s about regaining your confidence and reclaiming the body you remember.

The Postpartum Paradox:

Why Standard Exercise Routines Don't Work for New Moms!

I first stumbled upon this discovery after the birth of my second daughter. I taught I already knew what it was like to be a mother and the steps to getting back into shape fast.

But, with her it was different. I thought maybe I was older this time round.

Little did I realise at that time it was a paradox that affected many new and experienced moms.

Because it’s not just about the physical changes you undergo after childbirth but a deeper, more complex interplay of body and mind.

This paradox highlights why standard fitness routines often fall short for many mothers.

Yet, understanding it can be the key to effective, sustainable postpartum fitness and well-being.

And let me stress that it’s more than just getting back into your pre-pregnancy jeans.

It’s about a holistic approach that combines the right mindset, subtle lifestyle changes, and tailored workouts, to give new moms a path to regain strength, confidence, and vitality.